Pre-K Class

Our Pre-K class follows a September-June school year, mirroring that of our local elementary school. This class is ideal for students joining a local Kindergarten class in the upcoming school year.

  • Our Pre-K class focuses on Kindergarten preparedness in the following areas: name writing, alphabet, numbers/counting, shapes, classroom etiquette, and so much more!

  • Our Pre-K class sticks to a consistent routine involving Circle Time, theme-based activities like art or experiments, outdoor play, center-based indoor play, and one-on-one instruction.

  • The Pre-K classroom is such a special place. Students encourage one another and actively participate in the compassionate learning environment their teachers have developed and continue to nurture.

Preschool Class

Our Preschool class welcomes all students ages 3 and 4. This class is a place where students discover learning through play and silliness is highly encouraged! We love to help our young students find joy in learning.

  • Our preschool class focuses on learning through play, which includes art projects, Music & Movement, fine-motor development, and more!

  • Our Preschool class sticks to a consistent routine involving Circle Time, theme-based activities like art or sensory experiments, outdoor play, and free time for dramatic and cooperative play!

  • Preschool is THE designated place to be silly and fully yourself. Our students enjoy lessons that nurture their personalities and encourage their creativity!

Toddler Class

Our Toddler room is an awesome place for two-year-olds to explore and discover the world around them. We love to nurture students in their social-emotional development as they learn and play.

  • Our Toddler class serves as an excellent foundation to the world of learning. Students engage in curriculum that emphasizes vocabulary progression, fine-motor-movement, and Social-Emotional development.

  • Your two-year-old can expect a consistent routine involving Circle Time, outdoor play, sensory experiments, art projects, and more! A big part of the Toddler experience is adjusting to a group routine — and we love to help them have fun as they go!

  • Our Toddler room is a total blast because fun is our priority! The teachers do an amazing job at combining development standards with playful adventure. Here, learning happens best when we are being silly and having fun.

Infant + Wobblers

Our Infant + Wobbler room is a bit of a sanctuary amidst the hustle and bustle of our busy center. This is a place where our littles can experience calm and gentle care, where joy is the goal and love is our highest priority.

  • For our youngest friends, learning is all about discovery. We interact with colors and textures, shapes and sounds. For our Wobblers, we begin our journey towards effective communication through vocabulary development and stories.

  • In our Infant + Wobbler room, the days look however they need to! We prioritize communication with parents in order to mirror the care a child might receive at home, working together to develop a daily feeding and sleeping schedule.

  • This room is fun because tiny humans are fun! The teachers who work in this classroom are individuals who find genuine joy in the children they care for. We love to help our students discover new things and giggle as we go!